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Bread in a Bag - Pane Siciliano
Bread in a Bag Mix Instructions
Pantry by Motherdough
Motherdough "Bread in a Bag" - is a great new way to make a variety of naturally fermented breads at home without having to buy large quantities of ingredients.
Create this typical Sicilian bread with a satisfying crust and substantial crumb.

1 X Bread in the Bag flour mix
1 x Bread in the Bag raw sea salt sachet
1 x Bread in the Bag sesame seeds sachet
You need to add:
200g Refreshed Motherdough (or ripe levain from your usual process)
320g water for autolyse (use 255g water if using 100% hydration levain)
30g Extra virgin olive oil.
Place the flour mix in a bowl
Blitz Motherdough (or levain), water and olive oil together
Add liquid mixture to dry ingredients and mix to a shaggy mess
Autolyse for 30 minutes at 25ºC (shorten the time if it is warmer, in cold weather you can go up to 45 min for this step)
Add salt sachet and mix in
Mixer: Knead at a high speed until the dough clears the sides and almost the bottom of your bowl.
By hand: Turn out the bowl to slap & fold the dough energetically on the counter until it comes together into a nice smooth dough.
Transfer the dough to a tub greased with a vegetable oil (not olive oil)
Execute 4 sets of coil folds 30 minutes apart if your ambient temperature is above 22ºC reduce this interval to 20 minutes. (see notes)
As soon as your dough has increased 30% in volume, move it to the fridge for 30 minutes. When your dough has increased 30% in volume it will start to show signs of air in the dough and feel more "light" in the tub.
Remove from the fridge and turn out onto a surface very lightly dusted with rice flour.
Leave to rest for 15 minutes for the surface to dry slightly.
Move the dough to a section of the counter that is clean and has not beed dusted. Shape the dough into a rectangle/batard and place into a proving basket.
Cover the basket with a proving cover and leave to rest for 60 min. If your ambient temperature is above 22°C reduce this time to 30 minutes.
Place in the fridge overnight and remove the following day after 12-18 hours. Give the dough 30 minutes to settle and start the poke test. When the dough passes the poke test proceed to bake.
Turn the dough out of the basket. Mist with a little water and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Score approximately with 5 X 1cm deep evenly spaced diagonal slashes.
Bake in a preheated oven at 250°C on a baking steel, or in a dutch oven.
Baking steel: Place dough onto the steel and reduce temperature to 200°C fan. You will need to spray water into the oven 2-3 times in the first 20 minutes of the bake to create steam.
Bake for 30 minutes, turn the loaf and bake for a further 10 minutes.
Dutch Oven: Place the dough in the dutch oven, put the lid on, and reduce temperature to 200°C fan. Remove the lid after 20 minutes and bake for a further 40 minutes.
When the bread is correctly baked it should have a good, rich even colour, pass the knock test with a hollow sound. The loaf should also weigh between 750g-800g as around 20% of the water in the dough should cook off during the bake.
Allow to cool until cool to the touch before cutting open.